
Welcome to the


PLATFORM: Internet business unit, for your company

We offer a solid solution so that your company can sell online on a digital BTC platform, Desktop and Mobile version. You can count on the implementation of a shopping cart whit credit card validation, debit and cash,3 languages and multi-currency. 100% secure transactions with data encryption, app and brick stores. Expand your clients database with a 100% digital commercialization.

Plataforma Plataforma
Control de fraude

Fraud Prevention

The fraud control module has automatic tools which, together with 360 data analysis, achieves the most efficient level of the industry. Our team monitors and updates methods to eliminate fraud attempts, in real time.

Integrated Payment

We work with credit and debit card validation gateways, making online purchases easier to your clients.

Owe offer an income visualization dashboard for a simple administration.
With our solution you can use your own credit card commercial agreemnets.
We also connect to "integrative" paymente systems:

Mercado Pago
Web Pay

CRM - Customer Relationship Management

Knowing your client is essential, that's why we offer our software to optimize your operations, enriching the database and keeping it updated.

Atención al Cliente CRM

Post-sales tools

To achieve efficient communication, the sales cycle does not end once processed, so we must be in contact to our clients to always guarantee his/her satisfaction. We connect our soft to notification tools for pre and post purchase states:

  • Chat
  • Forms
  • Phone
  • Whatsapp / SMS (optional)
  • Mailling (optional)
  • Chat bot (optional)
  • Browser and app notifications (optional)
Herramientas post-venta

Travel notifications

An informed customer is a happy customer, we offer pre-sale and post-sale notifications, failed purchase attempt, additional sales, travel modifications or special events, notice of interest / Bus terminal modifications, cancellation of services.



We position your brand by implementing marketing strategies optimizing and creating the digital communication resources of your company.

  • Positioning in Google through SEO and SEM (Google Ads).
  • Mailing and Push Notifications sending campaigns.
  • Remarketing and surveys.
  • Strategies for Social Networks.
  • Geo Transit.
  • Offline campaigns in agencies and buses.

Prices, Promotions and Rewards differentiated by channel.
Yield Management

You can configure specific commercial agreements.

Your sales team will be able to achieve the proposed objectives with tools for differentiation of prices, discounts, commissions, payment methods and more.

Mundo Digital

Segment combinations

Combining is leaving your offer much clearer and more complete in front of the consumer, achieving conversions in stops of origin and destination that didn´t occur before.

What results will your business get?

Expansion of the commercial offer by linking services of your company with other Intercity Bus Companies.

Optimization that eliminates unproductive segments, combining them within the same line and generating profitability with the saving of resources and time en route.

All in one transaction. Create the perfect combinations for optimize your sales!

Achieve your goals. Get the proper resource planning that your business needs, with our advice.
